Tuesday, 05 August 2008

Hello to all of you,

we are in the Swedish outback for about 12 dazs of holidaz and I will trz to blogg as much as I can.

On Sundaz, Monday and today we hiked 10 to 15 kilometers, I run 5 km extra just to get going.
I will try to logg as many kilometers as possible and hope to logg them into the NIKE-System when I am back.

Blogging is difficult here, we don*t even have all time cell-phone access.

I think of all of you.



Jeremy said...


It sounds like you're having a great time on holiday !

I understand how difficult blogging can be while away from home etc.

You're commitment is inspiring.


Marbella said...

Have a marvelous holiday! And hurry back...we miss you.

Anonymous said...

The Swedish outback...I didn't realize there was such a thing! How fun! Don't worry about blogging! Have some fun, girl!

Michael said...

Have fun on your holiday!

Otter Christy said...

Enjoy your holiday! Looks like you'll be logging in tons of miles while you're vacationing. Don't forget to goof off a little, too.

Anonymous said...

Bet your holiday is great fun. I also bet that when you update your blog, your miles will be impressive. Miss hearing from you around the ShredderSphere.